Give everything for ELA

Dictée d'ELA
© Stade Rennais F.C.

Long-time supporter Stade Rennais F.C. mobilised its troops on Tuesday as part of the traditional dictation for ELA, the European association against leukodystrophy. The event was a highlight of the "Put on your trainers and beat the disease" campaign, in which 270,000 schools are taking part this year.

"I never look back. I force myself to go forward, to keep going despite the difficulties, the tiredness, the irritation. Sometimes songs give me the energy to keep going. Sometimes it's books, films, photographs, paintings or sculptures. They help me to console myself, to pick myself up, to recharge my batteries. I say, 'I never look back' and yet it's my past that has shaped me." Here is part of the text by Sabyl Ghoussoub entitled "Un monde sans frontières" ("A world without borders") read by Bruno Genesio on Tuesday to 24 CM1-CM2 pupils from the Gérard Philipe school in Montgermont.

While other pupils from the school put on their trainers to support the cause, the former paid close attention to transcribing the coach's recitation and understanding its meaning. "You can make the connection with football and life in general" says Bruno Genesio. "Life is made up of failures. There are always opportunities to succeed, even after failing. You have to keep dreaming and give yourself the means to achieve your goals, by overcoming the difficulties." An excerpt from a text that provided the impetus for a lengthy discussion between Bruno Genesio and an audience that was particularly curious about the profession of professional coach. Beyond these values of resilience, perseverance and hope, the aim was also to think of those who are fighting illness. And in these troubled times, in the school of learning and knowledge, "it's important to stress the notions of solidarity, sharing and acceptance of difference", says the Rouge et Noir coach. Knowing how to live together.

At the same time, Baptiste Santamaria and Enzo Le Fée took part in the same dictation at the Guy Gérard school in Pacé, where Philippe Levillain, a member of the association's board of directors, was also present, accompanied by his son Cyril, who is a victim of the disease. "The children are increasingly well informed, firstly by their teachers, but also by ELA's growing reputation. The questions are always relevant, they're interested first and foremost in the person, and that touches me. We're dealing with pragmatic questions about how people live with the disease. Their curiosity gives us a lot of hope for the future. We now know that there are roads we shouldn't take, and that's also part of research. There's still a long way to go, but there's still hope."

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